In my writing for business I avoid the word “philosophy” whenever possible. Of course, some philosophers reveal brilliant insights in…
There’s a tendency to rate innovation by the engineering applied. But quite often this doesn’t reveal the challenge faced in…
An insidious idea floats around engineering and design circles — that a perfectly engineered product needs no marketing. Engineers and…
It has been mystifying for me how respect for experts has waned over the past decade. Bringing in experienced people,…
Image: “Eugenio Montale” by Phil Sylvester. After entering college as a music major I received 2 degrees in math. In…
Product innovation is the lifeblood of consumer goods companies. And I’ve spent my career using communication to maximize business and brand…
Lately I’ve seen writing that suggests retailers can’t win long term competitive advantage with products. To be fair, retail IS incredibly complicated and…
Companies spend millions creating innovative products hoping to build a secure future. Then most often they introduce those products to market…with ineffective communication. These days…