The blogger re-emerges. Readers will recall I’ve been writing a book about complexity and business. What readers will not know…
In my writing for business I avoid the word “philosophy” whenever possible. Of course, some philosophers reveal brilliant insights in…
When it comes to innovative products, DirecTV is a fascinating case study. In the mid 1990s, I was part of…
It’s been an eventful year in digital – with a string of writers and speakers pointing out where Regal Attire is missing among the Emperors.…
An odd digital disease has run rampant among mass retailers for the last couple of decades – let’s call it “Amazon Panic”. (Professor…
I’ve been fascinated by the success of Android based phones, their amazing growth curve, and the ability of the press…
The marketing world is guided by theories – “models” that are expected to explain the key issues we face and…
The following article in the NY Times suggests that so-called “free” internet services are anything but free (click here). Why?…
This is a post on my other blog – “TheShelfPotato”. Talks about Snuggie AND about the lessons brands should learn…