Doug Garnett’s Blog


What Would You Evacuate Ahead Of A Fire? Your Computer.

Tonite I’m in Boulder, Colorado extending a business trip to visit my dad and my brothers. If you’ve been listening to news this week, you know there has been horrific damage from a forest fire just outside Boulder with over 150 homes destroyed. Also stunning, last nite they prepared part of Boulder proper just north of downtown for evacuation (which was fortunately not needed). It is a very tragic story that has hit hard in this community where I grew up and retain deep roots.

Then I heard this story on NPR. They interviewed many evacuees and asked the question “what did you take with you?” Most included their computer and extra drives among that small list of possessions including grandma’s jewelry.

It makes sense. But at the same time it is worth noting that it also reflects a big change in how we value our computers. I can’t imagine the same answer from more than a few people 15 years ago.

Clearly we now store our photos along with many other very important life documents on our computers. And we have become dependent on our specific computer setup for a very large part of communication with people (who wants to set their computer up anew?).

And so, I post this merely to take note of change. I don’t know if I think it’s a good or bad thing. But in a fire evacuation, I’d probably do the same. Wonder what else this means about the powerful role technology has taken in our lives?

Coyright 2010 – Doug Garnett

Categories:   Big Data and Technology, Business and Strategy, Communication, Human Tech, Technology Advertising


  • Posted: October 18, 2010 04:59


    Very nice post!