Doug Garnett’s Blog


My iPad – Post 3 – Presentation Engine

You may wonder where post 2 is. Funny story. The WordPress App on the iPad ate it. But trust me, that post is quite insightful and when I finally get it back to life, it will make for great reading.

Tonite I used my iPad for my first presentation. Working from Keynote, I used the adapter to run the projector.

Smooth. And, instead of “hiding behind” a laptop, I had this simple interface laying in my lap so I could tap an arrow and move forward or back.

My only beef was that to move back & forth between Keynote and playing video was a bit funky. That should change. And, links will help (I hope).

Now, is it “a lot better” at presenting – not really. But all the other features (size, ease, compactness) are so powerful, that if I can jettison the laptop and carry merely my iPad on travel, I’ll be thrilled.

Because it was great to walk the trade show today carrying only my iPad – like a small portfolio. And, that Portfolio contained copies of documents I needed to look at with clients, video samples to show prospects, and the finished strategic presentations I would need to give later in the day. And if I needed a break, my music for some chill time.

Business productivity at its best.

Copyright 2010. Doug Garnett

Categories:   Communication, Digital/On-line, Human Tech, iPad Experiences
