There’s no myth I hate more than the idea that DRTV’s primary role for companies is driving direct sales. Yes,…
TV & Video
Leveraging the power of tv and video for marketing. Covering topics from broadcast advertising and online video to instore and direct mail delivery.
Media Post reports yet one more study (link here) that shows that time shifting doesn’t hurt TV ad effectiveness. So…
Marketers are encouraged to fill websites with exotic videos made with the most expensive production value. But too often those…
Claims of “FREE!” drive purchases of cheesy TV products from Shamwow’s to those (supposedly) Amish heaters. But somehow, it escapes…
I generally enjoy reading Bob Garfield’s work. So I read his recent AdAge blog post about new media with interest.…
There’s a survey circulating right now by a group named “Say Media”. I won’t link to it because it’s irresponsible…
All too often, marketers miss the fundamental humanity of people who buy their products. And technology marketing’s focus on 20-something’s…
I’ve been fascinated by the success of Android based phones, their amazing growth curve, and the ability of the press…
I ran across this presentation about GoogleTV. It’s interesting. Because it suggests that Google really believes the silly things it…