Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Is Coupon Clipping Social Media’s Primary Value to Advertisers? Ad agencies seem unable to resist the idea that there’s a “killer media” out there to fulfill their every dream.… 0 January 18, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email DVR’s Do Not Hurt Ad Effectiveness – And May Help It Media Post reports yet one more study (link here) that shows that time shifting doesn’t hurt TV ad effectiveness. So… 0 December 22, 2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email How Segmentation Becomes Fragmentation: Online Advertising’s Incredible Blind Spot In the late 1990′s, the tech industry hype machine went into over-drive telling us that the web would replace retail… 0 December 15, 2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email People Ignore New Media – Much More Than They Ignore Traditional Media Media Daily News recently published an article by Wayne Friedman covering key statistics about viewing of advertisements. It shows a… 0 December 6, 2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Five Reasons Consumers will “Friend” Your Company. In my last post, I noted six hard truths or axioms I’ve developed about social media. And while these are… 0 November 12, 2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email “Most Consumers Don’t Want to Be Your Friend”: Six Axioms of Social Media. We’ve been sold the grand myth of social media marketing based on some rather flakey ideas. In particular, the ad… 0 November 11, 2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Impact Driver or Impact Wrench? Confused Names Keep Products on the Shelf There are many ways that companies conspire to keep their products sitting lazily on the shelf (safe from consumer purchase).… 0 November 8, 2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email The Reality of New Media Noise: Life in a Crowded Airport? I generally enjoy reading Bob Garfield’s work. So I read his recent AdAge blog post about new media with interest.… 0 November 2, 2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Wishing it was true? Internet TV advocates trumpet flawed research. There’s a survey circulating right now by a group named “Say Media”. I won’t link to it because it’s irresponsible… 0 October 26, 2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email What Parts of Internet TV will Twenty-Something’s Still Want When They’re 35? All too often, marketers miss the fundamental humanity of people who buy their products. And technology marketing’s focus on 20-something’s… 0 October 17, 2010