Supercomputers had been invented by Seymour Cray, were assisted in spread by floating point co-processors, then grew through a set…
Complexity in Business
I have spent 30 years marketing for startups in industries ranging from B2B tech and early desktop publishing to all…
Nothing in business is simple — complexity dominates. Hopefully this is one reason my recent writing about Kodak tapped a vein.…
There are case studies. And there are morality plays told by consultants to sell us their services. Nowhere, today, are…
“Yes is a challenge. Yes means making a commitment. Yes means figuring it out barring all other obstacles and challenges.”…
“Prevention is better than cure.” …Desiderius Erasmus . What kills innovation? What leads innovation efforts to fail to deliver the…
“Symptoms…seem to you irrational because you take them in an isolated manner, and you want to interpret them directly.” Jacques…
“As any doctor can tell you, the most crucial step toward healing is having the right diagnosis. If the disease…
Scientists early in the 20th century became aware that the older, traditional assumption that science always yields to reductionist approaches…
The esteemed Australian marketing professor Mark Ritson recently passed along an article in Mumbrella written by Josie Tutty. In this…