Facebook Google+ Twitter Email iPad 13 – App Developers Must Improve Their Finished Product; Thoughts To Start My 2nd Laptop-Free Year Just one year ago I took possession of Flatland, my iPad 3g. And just this week I’ve received Flatland 2… 0 April 22, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Does “Likability” Create Advertising That Consumers Hate? Long ago studies began to suggest that advertising tends to be more effective when it’s “likable”. And very quickly, likability… 0 April 13, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Humanity, Humility, Statistics & Brands. Thoughts About “How Brands Grow” by Byron Sharp For all the grand ad agency theorizing about brands, it’s ironic that the most human sense of brands that I’ve… 0 March 25, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email More Research Shows DVR’s (e.g. TiVO) Increase Advertising Impact! Unless you’ve been isolated on a 15 year space mission, you know that the ad business has spend 15 years… 0 March 2, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Despite Claims, Web Communication Is No More Respectful Than Traditional Advertising Massive misperceptions lead industries into poor choices. But industry politics make people hesitant to call out those mis-perceptions – sometimes… 0 February 21, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Reading the Fossil Record: Why Mobile Retail Tracking Can’t Replace Focus Group Research There was a post on Retail Wire this morning that pondered whether retailers will need traditional research once mobile tracking… 0 February 17, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Squirrel! Advertising Agencies Chase Utopian Theories There’s nobody easier to sell to than other salesmen. Unless, of course, you’re promising a consumer revolution to advertising agencies.… 0 February 14, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Do Superbowl Ratings Identify Flaws in Online TV Theory? TV drives mass communication - the web doesn't. The web's inherent strength is fragmented communication. 0 February 7, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email DRTV Finds What Nielsen Misses: An Audience That Will Take Action Nielsen ratings are often attacked for a variety of problems with their statistical reliability and I certainly don’t disagree with… 0 January 28, 2011
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email The Yell & Sell Approach to DRTV Decreases Retail Impact. There’s no myth I hate more than the idea that DRTV’s primary role for companies is driving direct sales. Yes,… 0 January 20, 2011