Business has a tremendously complicated relationship with improvisation – often preferring a mythological quest for risk-free management and ignoring the…
Business and Strategy
Quite often businesses succeed in spite of specific choices – not because of those choices. Yet most never stop to…
In my last post I wrote about agency feedback loops – how important they are and the three tiers of…
It’s fundamentally human. The feedback we receive (intentional or unintentional) shapes our actions in the future. Unfortunately, there’s a pile…
Facts used in advertising leave behind emotion. I ran across this thought provoking idea in the Jaques Ellul book “Propaganda”…
Key to marketing success is a disciplined approach to testing ideas and action. After all, marketing writing and consulting is…
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about how fed up I am with customer satisfaction surveys (link…
I’m often amazed at how poorly agencies manage their own marketing – especially their own brand. Look across the ad…
Funny how names are. A specific type of advertising was labeled “brand advertising”. So the myth developed that in order…
I love solar energy. And it’s encouraging that tremendous advances in technology have driven panel costs down while delivering more…