Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Advertising Awards: Protecting the Creative Status Quo As a strategist, creative director and student of advertising’s impact, I love to see advertising that’s challenging and interesting –… 0 April 11, 2014
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email “The Best Ideas Come as Jokes”… But the Best Quotes are Sourced The Quote Recently, at Atomic we came across a funny meme on DigiDay. The piece was a blend of clever… 0 April 7, 2014
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Using Response Measured Advertising in an OmniChannel World I’ve spent my advertising career in the most immediately measurable of TV disciplines…direct response television. Through that career I’ve seen… 0 January 15, 2014
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email The Emotional Impact of Facts Facts used in advertising leave behind emotion. I ran across this thought provoking idea in the Jaques Ellul book “Propaganda”… 0 June 25, 2013
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Agencies Need to Be Good Stewards of Their Own Brand I’m often amazed at how poorly agencies manage their own marketing – especially their own brand. Look across the ad… 0 February 18, 2013
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email The Brand Building Power of Product Advertising Funny how names are. A specific type of advertising was labeled “brand advertising”. So the myth developed that in order… 0 February 8, 2013
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Challenge the Myths of Internet TV with Reality There’s huge money to be made, apparently, for consultants who project radical future change. In TV, that means suggesting TV… 0 October 23, 2012
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Space Jump Gets Viewers. But Does Branded Content Really Fly? Humanity loves watching the truly daring. From NASA projects to high altitude ballooning and trips around the world, my adult… 0 October 15, 2012
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email New Confirmation that Offline Advertising Drives Online Success Just about 2 years ago I wrote a post looking at how online success required offline advertising. (Link here.) But… 0 September 17, 2012
Facebook Google+ Twitter Email Cable Cutting? Census Suggests Just Sharing Households. Much was made of Nielsen numbers released recently that suggested a small drop in homes with multi-channel TV (cable, satellite,… 0 June 21, 2012